How to Present Research Findings in a Health Science Article
You can present research findings in a health science article by organizing results in a sequence along with using visual aids while providing context for each outcome. Other elements to present your research findings correctly include shedding more light on research implications, and avoiding speculations.
Presenting research findings the right way in a health science article gives your article several valid features. All information presented in your article will have solid research backing and will be a reliable citation for future studies.
Several steps are involved to present your research findings in an article correctly. Follow the tips in this guide to present all your findings in a health science article with ease. Also, learn why it is important to present correct research findings in a health science publication with the information this guide provides.
How to Present Research Findings in a Health Science Article
1. Organize findings in a sequence
Logical arrangement of your findings is important if you want all readers to understand information presented in your article. A logical sequence arrangement of findings in your health science article provides vital concepts about your research to all readers with ease.
Your findings section should contain clear information under its headings and subheadings. The findings in your research should also promote a smooth flow of information across your methodology and results section.
2. Use concise language
Clarity is important when you need to correctly present research findings in a health science article. You need to explore all strategies to convey information easily to your audience. Avoiding technical jargon and other unnecessary information is vital to provide clear communication of complex topics about health science to readers.
3. Use visual aids
Adopting the use of visual aids is another smart way to present research findings correctly in health science article. You can take advantage of charts, tables, and other visual aids to present all your findings to readers.
Using visual aids promotes easy formatting, data labelling, and presentation for better appeal and easier distribution of information. Readers without expert knowledge about complex topics can gain insight from these visual aids with ease.
4. Give enough context
You need to provide ample context to readers while presenting your findings in a health science article. Being able to provide sufficient context about your findings based on existing literature helps you link your research to established knowledge.
Your findings section should explain the rationale, identify the research question, relate findings to existing studies and more. You should provide the context of your research findings in the materials and methods section of your article.
5. Interpret findings and analyze
A clear interpretation of findings discovered is essential to correctly present your health science article. Your interpretations should succeed a clear analysis of all information you gathered for research.
Correct analysis helps you identify trends, relationships among variables, and other vital information.
Major Reasons Why You Should Present Research Findings Correctly in a Health Science Article
To promote accuracy
Presenting research findings correctly in a research article boosts reliable and trustworthiness of your work. Proper presentation of data, materials & methods, and results does the following:
- Allows researchers access valid information to build future studies upon,
- Helps healthcare professional see essential details about improvements to existing clinical practices,
- Provides policymakers valid information to assess existing methods and recommend new practices
Accuracy of presented findings in research articles forms the basis to rectify issues affecting existing clinical practice. Such findings also prove crucial to design and implement better and safer health care policies for public use.
To boost credibility
Presenting research accurately in a health science article promotes dependable information and enhances access to verifiable knowledge in journals. Properly presenting data, results, and methodology helps researchers avoid the production of erroneous conclusions, flawed findings.
Presenting findings with flaws makes it easy for such research to cause harm to patients. Incorrect presentation of findings could also cause public health problems if policymakers rely on such information to suggest new practices.
To ease reproduction
Most research study existing information to improve findings and recommend better methods. Others seek to provide solutions to existing problems based on available information.
One thing is clear – most research requires reproduction of existing findings to present better information and valid results.
Proper presentation of information in a health science article makes reproduction comfortable in future research. Further studies about valid research will be able to express comprehensive details to improve health policy.
To increase transparency
Providing complete and clear information about research procedures, data analysis, materials & methods, and other details adds transparency to a health science article. Transparent research boosts credibility of your findings, makes information in your article easy to verify or replicate, and so much more.
To elevate scientific knowledge
Presenting findings correctly in a health science article helps develop useful scientific information. The correct presentation of findings in a health science research also helps build reliable information upon previous findings.
Improvements in scientific knowledge from correctly presenting such findings helps develop novel theories, new intervention methods, evidence-based best practices, and more.
Other reasons why you should correctly present information in a health science article include:
- To enhance knowledge sharing
- To improve clinical and public health intervention
- To boost ethical considerations for research
- To increase chances of post peer-review acceptance
- To trigger valid collaborations
Final Word
Correctly presenting research findings in a health science article comes with several benefits. The researcher will benefit in several ways from easy peer reviews, increase in collaborations, more citations, etc.
Future research will also benefit greatly from the correct presentation of such findings. Researchers focusing on findings from well-arranged health science articles can conduct studies to improve based on valid information. Being able to advance on existing knowledge put together improvements on research conducted in line with set standards boosts scientific development.
The scientific community also benefits from correctly-arranged research findings in such articles. Members of the scientific community can access such knowledge and give citations based on valid, practical information.
Present your research findings in a health science article correctly. Boost your chances of getting more recognition for your work, contribute to future research, and do much more with ease.