How to Structure the Results and Discussion Sections of a Health Science Article
Start with an introduction, adopt visualization aids, interpret findings, and summarize implications of findings to structure the Results and Discussion sections of a health science article. Properly structuring the Results and Discussion sections of articles gives readers’ access to clear information.
Knowing the steps to structure your health science article guarantees proper organization of ideas. Expert and non-expert readers will be able to see research outcomes, assess analysis of information, and gain understanding of what each result implies.
This article provides a complete guide to structure the Results and Discussion sections of a health science article. You will also get details to help you easily combine these sections in your research without confusing readers. Take advantage of the information in this guide to structure vital aspects of your research to educate readers with ease.
How to Structure the Results Section of a Health Science Article
The Results section presents information about key findings after collecting and analyzing data related to a health science topic. Proper Results sections have data correctly and clearly presented to make it easy for readers to understand. You can structure a Results section in your health science article when you:
1. Start with an introduction
The Results section should begin with a brief intro highlighting the major aim of your study and its research question. Beginning this section with an introduction sets the tone to present your results in further paragraphs.
2. Organize and present your data
You should present your data in an organized format to make it easy for readers to describe. Use the right headings or subheadings to place your results in categories or provide a summary. Also, avoid providing duplicate information while presenting your results.
3. Adopt visualization aids
Take advantage of smart visualization aids to present data in your research. Use common visual aids like charts, graphs, tables, and figures to enhance how readers see your data.
4. Give sufficient information
Provide enough information about the analysis of your results in this section. You can do this by describing the statistical tool(s) used, providing details about the sample, confidence intervals, response rates, and so on.
5. Interpret your findings
Finally, you need to highlight the most important results with a brief interpretation at the end of this section.
How to Structure the Discussion Section of a Health Science Article
The Discussion section allows researchers interpret and provide context to results present in their study. The structure of a research Discussion section in a health science article should:
1. Begin with a summary
You should summarize vital findings related to your research question(s) in the article. Also, present a summary of the main result in your health science article before going into interpretations of specific findings.
2. Draw comparisons with existing literature
You should continue your Discussion section by comparing results with findings in earlier studies. Achieve this comparison by highlighting similarities or differences between your findings and results from existing research. Also, highlight contradictions if any to add vital information to existing knowledge about your topic.
3. Identify and assess limitations
Highlight the limitations of your research relating to the sample, materials & methods, and data collection. You can show how these limitations influence research to overcome such limitations.
4. Discuss inconsistent or unexpected findings
Address inconsistencies or any unexpected outcomes in your findings. You can provide explanations about why your research observed such findings after the analysis.
5. End with a summary
Write a summary of the main findings of your research, its significance, implications and potential contributions to health science. Don’t bring up unanswered questions or novel information while concluding this section to avoid confusing readers.
Combining Results and Discussion Sections in a Health Science Article
Some authors could decide to integrate the Results and Discussion sections in their health science article. These authors usually present results and discussion what each finding means immediately after every presentation. Such an approach allows readers gain knowledge from a smooth flow of information.
Non-expert readers will be able to take advantage of combined sections to see the relationship between each finding and its significance or implications. You can easily merge both sections in your health science article by:
1. Presenting your discussion within or after each finding
You can present each finding and discuss its implications or significance immediately underneath. Such a method is useful when you need to present information and provide context to avoid confusing your readers.
2. Using signposting or subheadings
You can use signposting or subheadings to show transitions from presenting your results to discussing implications of such findings. Readers can take advantage of this merge to see results and interpretations in a logical sequence.
3. Relating your findings to research questions or hypotheses
Progress to link the findings of your research to its original question(s) or hypotheses posed at the beginning. You can discuss how these findings support or challenge earlier expectations and provide facts to support your claims.
4. Providing evidence and justification for your findings
Go ahead to provide evidence that justify your findings while interpreting results. You can achieve this (provide evidence) by referring to specific literature, statistical analyses, and data points to boost your argument. Providing such evidence gives your research and interpretations greater credibility.
5. Explaining trends and patterns in your results and discussion
Don’t forget to highlight trends and patterns observed in the data while combining both sections in your article. Highlighting trends makes it easy to relate findings in your research to existing theories or knowledge.
Final Word
You can structure the Results and Discussion sections of a health science article and communicate your findings to readers with ease. The research should follow an organized structure that allows users access information in a logical sequence.
Integrating both sections also helps you address vital aspects of your research and present scientific information in simple terms. Follow the tips in this guide to ensure your health science articles have the needed impact while passing on vital information to readers.