How to Write Articles for a Health Science Journal
You can write articles for a health science publication by adhering to writing templates, using structured formats, and following submission guidelines. Health science journals usually set strict guidelines to accept articles from authors. It is essential to know the exact requirements of a health science journal to increase chances of seeing your article(s) published.
That’s why this article provides details about how to write articles for a health science journal. Take advantage of this guide to get your article published in your preferred journal(s) within a short timeframe.
How to Write Articles for a Health Science Journal
You can write articles for a health science journal with the following steps:
1. Adhere to writing guidelines
Journals usually have strict writing guidelines. These journals expect all writers to follow their writing guidelines to the letter before their work receives approval for publishing. Major writing guidelines from many health science journals usually affect formatting, word count, mandatory sections, and more.
2. Write a clear abstract
Clarity of the abstract is important while writing a health science article. Your abstract introduces the article and is one of the first things your readers will see. Abstracts should provide a summary of your article’s objective, methodology, and results. Writing abstracts in clear language (without jargon) is crucial to ensure all readers understand your article summary.
3. Use structured format in line with your preferred journal and article
Many health science articles usually follow the IMRaD format. You need to ensure your article is fully in line with standard formats recommended by journals for your article. Following the right structure ensures your article conveys correct information while being in line with your journal’s guidelines.
4. Use clear language
Proper communication is essential to see your health science article published in a suitable journal. You need to write your article in simple English to allows non-native speakers easier access to your research or comments.
5. Define your articles according to its design
Some articles for publishing in a health research journal may not follow a research format. You need to define your articles in line with its default structure if there are no rigid guidelines to follow. Most original research articles mandate authors to write about the main question of their work after a brief introduction.
Following the articles’ structure makes it easy to align your writing to suit the requirements of your preferred publisher.
6. Use correct materials and methods
You need to provide vital information about the materials used during the course of your research. Also, you must clearly define methods adopted to collect and analyze data for your article.
7. Provide details along with your results
You need to provide evidence about how you carried out your analysis and observed results. Details about the process in form of visualizations (graphs, charts, tables, etc.) help readers gain better understanding of your research.
8. Explain what your results entail
You need to interpret your findings in the Results section of your health science research. Giving a clear explanation gives readers more information about your article.
9. Provide possible implications about further research (optional)
You may want to define how your article may become beneficial to future research on related topics. Stating the relevance of your article to future research increases chances of getting published in your preferred health science journal.
10. Use correct citation/referencing styles
You must adopt the correct referencing style of your publisher within text and at the bibliography (after your conclusion/recommendations/suggestions for future research)
11. Proofread your work and edit appropriately
Proper proofreading and editing to avoid grammar errors, typos, or unnecessary repetition of ideas is an essential element of a good health science article.
12. Follow submission guidelines
Adhere to submission guidelines of your preferred journal and collaborate with chosen editors to review your article properly before publishing.
Do All Health Science Journal Articles Have the Same Structure?
Many articles for publishing in health science journals usually follow the IMRaD structure (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion). However, some health science articles like cohort studies, commentaries, briefs, editorials, and more do not have a rigid structure.
How Do You Publish Articles in a Health Science Journal?
- Select an appropriate journal
- Prepare your article manuscript
- Select correct data visualizations (optional)
- Submit your article
- Pass your article through peer review process
- Revise (if peer review attempts are unsuccessful)
- Create final version (after peer review is complete)
What Do Health Science Journals Consider Before Posting an Article?
Journals usually consider the following before accepting a health science article:
- Originality – newness of research (improvement of old subjects or novel research about relevant topics)
- Relevance – how the article aligns with the subject of the journal
- Results – correctness of findings; how researchers arrange and interpret data and results
- Methodology – clarity and suitability of materials and methods chosen for the study
- Style/formatting – how articles follow set guidelines on citations/referencing style, word count, font size, figures, tables, graphs, etc.
- Significance – how articles are relevant to a health science journal
Journals consider these points and more to assess if a health science article is fit for publishing. It’s worth noting that these are quite different from submission guidelines journals mandate authors to follow before publishing their articles.
What is the Acceptance Criteria to See Your Articles Published in Health Science Journals?
Most journals of health science have similar acceptance criteria all articles must pass before publishing. These criteria include:
- geographical relevance,
- technical and scientific relevance; that is the depth and insight of topics towards solving existing problems,
- correct presentation of information along with materials and methods used,
- data-backed discussion and conclusion sections,
- Simplicity in grammar,
- Satisfaction of ethical standards during gathering of information, processing of data, etc.,
- Rigorous experiments in line with set standards,
- adherence to publisher’s guidelines, etc.
However, relevance to the scope of your journal is essential for journals to accept your health science manuscript. These journals ensure accuracy of acceptance criteria and consider articles with absolute adherence to these guidelines.